Contemporary Irish Repertoire

Ed Bennett

Gothic (2008)


Siobhán Cleary

Led and the Swan (2013)

Chaconne (2008)


Frank Corcoran

9 Pratoleva Pearls (2008)


Raymond Deane

Legerdemain (2013)


Benjamin Dwyer

Étude (2013)


Ronan Guildfoyle

'Jig' from Dance Suite No. 1 (2008)


Michael Holohan

The Forge (2014)

Monaincha (2002)


Marion Ingoldsby

About Five (2004)


Grainne Mulvey

Calorescence (2013)


Jonathan Nangle

Grow Quiet Gradually (2008)


Kevin O'Connell

Céimeanna (2007)


Bill Whelan

Waiting for Riad (2014)

The Currach (2007)


Ian Wilson

The Stations, Nos. 6/9

©Thérèse Fahy 2017